The Week In Seven Photos

As a lifelong introvert, one would not imagine that in my midlife years the phrase social distancing would have such an unsettling effect.  Many a day I have preferred the company of my dogs over people and the thought of not receiving any invitations in the mail to large gatherings makes me smile.

The quirks of my personality fit perfectly into keeping a distance, I’m not a hugger and believe a smile is just as good as a handshake.  Even as much as I love my dogs, I’ve never had the desire to teach them to shake and absolutely nobody needs to resort to an elbow bump in my presence, including you Harper.

All of that changed this week when I had to look at social distancing in the world as a national health directive.  While out and about, I heard people sneezing and felt an immediate reaction and found myself later yelling at the turkeys to quit crowding one another

and reminded the geese to stop holding wings.

I do believe social distancing is an essential element in slowing the spread of the coronavirus, along with washing your hands often,

but it’s scary watching it occur during a health crisis.  Everywhere I went early in the week life still felt normal, including a visit to my favorite bookstore that always entices me with their buy one get one free cookie coupons

and my favorite bakery.  Unfortunately, now instead of dreaming of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, I only have thoughts of COVID-19 tests and hand sanitizer,

10 responses to “The Week In Seven Photos”

  1. Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I, too, am in introvert and spend much of each day at my desk. Kissing and hugging do not come naturally to me. Yet, I, too, am unsettled by the social distancing. Everything is topsy-turvy. And even though I am an introvert, I am not a recluse. I suspect you’re the same way. Anyway, enjoy those cookies while you can. Stay safe, be well, and give thanks for social media.

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    1. I love my introvert choices, but It’s amazing how quickly reactions can change when things are no longer a choice and there is a constant awareness of this virus while going about normal activities. In addition to everything that’s occurring around the country, everything changed in our state this week with schools and universities closing, crowds reduced to 250 people and all the sports, concerts, conferences and St.Patrick’s Day celebrations cancelled. I will continue to support my favorite bakeries and bookstores as it’s impossible to not feel good while visiting them. Take care!🙂

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  2. My son said similar – “This pandemic is great for introverts.” Stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I immediately thought of all the introvert traits that were an advantage during these times, but after everything changed in our state this week I’ve discovered that now that we’re all in this together that I’ve never had so many people talk to me while I’ve been out. Let’s hope with all the actions being taken that it eventually slows the spread and fear. Take care!🙂

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  3. Social distancing? At last! Thanks for this, I laughed and laughed, almost as effective as hand sanitizer. Going to be relying on long (uncrowded) walks, downloaded books, and Netflix in the absence of sport for the next little while. If the order goes out to close microbreweries, coffee stops and liquor stores, we’re doomed…
    Enjoy your weekend!

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    1. Thank you!😁 I finally have a society that suits my nature and then they take all my sports away – I don’t know if there is enough cookies, coffee and wine to counteract that!!! The only hope is that all the ice finally melted on the lakes and, if the wind would let up, I might be able to go kayaking soon and momentarily forget all the Bryce Harper home runs I’m missing and that Mourinho’s magic was about to return. Enjoy the weekend!🙂


  4. Social distancing as a health directive is scary. Even though I am a very curled up into a ball introvert, I am very upset and unnerved about some of the awful consequences for others. Potential lockdown for older people for months. Isolation can be a killer for some. Oh shut me up…what do the turkeys say?

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    1. Even as an introvert, I’m really struggling with the shutdown of everything and wondering how long it will last. I have my mom on lockdown and am constantly worried when I have to run essential errands for everyone. The turkeys are still visiting every day, but not as many, and now I’m probably going to miss them when they finally leave.🙂

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