Silent Sunday

16 responses to “Silent Sunday”

  1. Little Harper in the cold white.

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    1. We are not happy about winter arriving in March!!🐾😁


      1. I feel the same way. A storm is heading our way on Tuesday. Sigh.

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      2. Snowing again and more tomorrow and I had been hoping Clif would have a better snow report this week.🙂

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  2. Harper

    From chasing turkeys
    From her land.
    Reading books
    And catching naps.
    From fine wines
    To eating snow
    Little Harper
    Steals the show
    Summer, Fall
    Winter, Spring
    You bring
    Your style
    To all things.

    Have a beautiful day 🌞

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Harper and I absolutely loved this wonderful poem!!!🐾😁 Thank you for making us smile all day and Harper sends many hugs your way!!🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾


  3. “Seriously, do you expect me to walk in this??” 😀

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    1. 😁So much excitement when she hears let’s go outside, which often quickly disappears if she’s not distracted by the turkeys and squirrels.🐾😁


  4. Absolutely adorable.

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    1. Right back at you!🐾🐾

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  5. “What’s happened to my lawn?”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG, Harper’s over winter too and I had planned on the kayaks already being out and my niece is still refusing our long walks with the birds due to her rule she won’t go until the temperature is higher than her age!!😁


  6. Oh, no! I wouldn’t be happy either. 😏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Let’s hope today is the last of the snow for this season!!🐾🙂

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