I’ve Been Pondering…

Going on strike against some topics at the water cooler or, in my case tree chats, since I don’t even know if water cooler chats still exist. As someone who once orchestrated a strike in my union days, I’m ready to walk out over any DeSantis/Trump coverage, news channels that only want to talk about them and not cover national topics or other candidates, the fact that banned books or a woman’s choice is even a topic again, culture wars, the loss of individuality and curiosity in our school systems, no Canadian teams in the hockey conference finals, in support of the Writer’s Guild of America strike, businesses requiring too much information that they can’t protect, rude drivers, roundabouts, AI, the summer clothing fashions that baffle me, my niece telling me I’m too old for a bucket hat…Harper wants no flies crossing her picket line…

20 responses to “I’ve Been Pondering…”

  1. You packed a lot into that one paragraph. I’m with you all the way. And with Harper, too, about those ding-dang flies.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and I could have kept going with that paragraph!!!🙂

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      1. I know the feeling.

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  2. My opinion, and no disrespect to your niece, but wear the bucket hat!!!! At our age, we earn the right!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and I read your comment to my niece immediately and told her she can laugh all she wants, I’m happily wearing my bucket hats!!!😁


  3. Loved this! Most important item – you’re never too old for a bucket hat!
    I’ve just read an article by the two writers of the original Full Monty, and they quietly and truthfully speak of how recent (UK) governments have deliberately and stealthily asset stripped what makes society work – particularly for the most vulnerable – and it makes me seethe… bl**dy “culture” wars designed to distract instead of responsible government and proper decision making. And breathe…
    Tell Harper it’s ok for a fly to cross a picket line, but anyone else should know better!
    Have a great weekend – no more hockey interest for me, but I might check the premier scores, if I think I can handle it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and I told my niece we have to go shopping for more bucket hats!!!😁 The Full Monty is in my collection of favorite British movies and I’m looking forward to the new series. I agree with you, it all makes me seethe and some days I find myself adding a new topic to strike every hour. I will never be able to believe this is the direction some people have chosen for our country and I’m afraid to think what this next election and the nonstop culture wars and self-serving politicians will mean for our future. I know I’ve been away from the water cooler chats for years, but I’m really shocked that I had no idea these could possibly be the topics or leaders of the day. Just like I had to force myself to stop my strike list, I better take your advice and just breathe. While I’m not watching the hockey, have to say I’m always impressed by a 4th OT winner. Just caught up on Ted Lasso and while I’ve seen some negative reviews, I’ve enjoyed the season and it’s much better than the Premier League this year. Should probably get one of Roy Kent’s new shirts to go with my bucket hat! Enjoy the weekend!!😎


  4. go on strike against all that is negative

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Another strike I can absolutely support!!!🙂

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  5. I’m so totally with you! Bucket hats should be judged by the wearer’s opinion, no other. Wear purple and red! But really….how did we think we were building something in the 60s, 70s, and a bit into the 80s only to see it come to this?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and I am enjoying my bucket hats!🙂 I’m just stunned about so many topics that have been headlines in recent years and have been left speechless many days as being a part of Generation X that also believed we were building toward something in those decades and celebrating the progress.

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      1. I guess I should apologize for thinking you were older! It’s your choice of music links that threw me.

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      2. No need to apologize, I’m an old soul who loves the old classics!.🙂


  6. I would never dream of initiating or continuing with a conversation about any of that stuff. Walk right out. But do wear the hats, you’re never too old.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and after all these years enjoying wearing baseball hats, it’s been fun adding bucket hats into the collection. Even if I have to put up with my niece constantly laughing at me.😁


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