I’ve Been Pondering…

The timeless treasures of childhood, with homemade Nestle Toll House chocolate chip cookies being right up there at the top. When I began baking them, we were under the impression it was absolutely fine to eat raw cookie dough, but now I patiently wait for my niece to be in a baking mood and look forward to the first warm cookie out of the oven that tastes heavenly with a cup of coffee. When I was in that moment of nostalgia trying to remember those ‘70s items I still loved all these decades later, denim jeans, football, bike riding (hope I don’t start putting a card in the bike spokes again) and music (can you really ever get enough of Elvis or disco?!) quickly rounded out the top five. Unfortunately, during this nostalgic trip I had a horrible vision of tube socks and shag haircuts and hopefully another chocolate chip cookie will help me forever forget those images.

18 responses to “I’ve Been Pondering…”

  1. Yes, yes! As someone who came of age during the 1970s, I certainly relate. And I have to admit that despite all the warnings against eating raw cookie dough, I still nip it when I make cookies. So far, so good.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh how I miss the raw cookie dough and as many times as I’ve tried, their edible cookie dough is not the same!!😁

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  2. It was fun putting a playing card against the spokes of my bike! Kind of like a right of passage I guess.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Loved my Schwinn bike with the banana seat!!😁

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      1. The good old days! The Schwinn dealer was on Widetrack in Downtown Pontiac, not sure if it’s still there.

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      2. It keeps changing, but right now it’s a Trek bike store.🙂

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      3. Oh, okay, at least it’s still there in some sense! Ahh the memories. It’s so nice to chat with you since you know what/where I am talking about! ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Some memories are best forgotten, hehe. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I had to quickly stop after remembering those two, no way I was doing a top five fashion disaster list!😁

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  4. I’m totally putting a playing in my bike wheels this weekend! And wearing my Six Million Dollar Man t-shirt. Will use bike clips to keep my Saturday Night Fever flared denim from catching in the gears… Ooh, I think there’s a new playlist waiting to happen!
    Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and I may not be able to get that image out of my head!!!😁 Loved the Six Million Dollar Man and still remember all the chain grease stains on my jeans. You definitely need an Elvis/Disco playlist and hope you have a wonderful weekend!!😁


  5. Can’t get Nestle Toll House here that I know of. I don’t like cookie dough flavours but always always always leave plenty of scrapings out in my mixing bowl after making cakes and buns 😋

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just love their chocolate chip cookies, especially when my niece makes them!!😁 While growing up I often preferred the raw cookie dough over the cookies and now that I’ve talked about it so much, I have a feeling I’ll be eating the dough during the next batch.😁


      1. Ok now I want to make cookies.

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  6. I should have said raw cookie dough flavours as I love cookies/biscuits
    The craze here in the 70″s was colourful plastic bread bag clips or anything that gleaned and rattled in bike spokes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We only used playing cards and luckily I was smart enough to never use one of my brother’s baseball cards.😁


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